Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

I couldn't wait to start Catching Fire after finishing The Hunger Games.
For a second book in a trilogy, it's jam packed with heart break, injustice and action.
Sometimes, I would get very frustrated with Katniss when she wouldn't/couldn't catch signals from other people.  For the face of the rebellion, she can be a little obtuse but then I have to remember that this girl is only 17.
When I was 17, all I cared about was my giant 80s hair, makeup and boys.
If I lived in Katniss' post-apocalypse world, I'd be the first one dead.
Parts of the storyline seemed unnecessary and a little predictable but overall it was extremely entertaining and heart-pounding.
Also, the cliffhanger at the end made me gasp out loud.
Do we really have to wait until August for the final book, The Mockingjay?


Anonymous said...

Hey... Mary of Magdalene? Do you want to aim for a certain date in April? I thought of Easter for kicks, but that is coming up far faster than I thought!

Jinx said...

I'm ready for Mary. I just finished a book last night so I am free.

Anonymous said...

Nuts, I just received three in the mail, so I'm backed up for a while... we could just aim for simultaneous reviews at the end of April?

Jinx said...

I totally understand and that sounds good. I am planning a Jane Austen summer for me and some friends and coworkers so getting ol' Mary out of the way in April works for me!


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